SINCE TIME BEGAN : salus populi suprema est lex - the right of the people is the supreme law : IN TRUTH WE TRUST
1. Administration
2. Archives
3. Board - Of - Directors
4. CEO Chief Executive Officer
5. CFO Chief Financial Officer
6. Complaints
7. COO Chief Operations Officer
8. EIA Environment Integrity Agency
9. Emissary Ambassador-At-Large
10. Engineering
11. Finance
12. GLC General Legal Counsel Offices
13. Inquiries
14. Legal Inquiries
15. Media Offices
16. Mission Project Mission Centre
17. Policies-And-Practices
18. Projects Planning Division
19. Secretariat
20. Trigeneration Operations Division
SINCE TIME BEGAN : salus populi suprema est lex - the right of the people is the supreme law : IN TRUTH WE TRUST